Thursday, April 14, 2011


Wikipedia defines a Bridezilla as a difficult, unpleasant perfectionist bride.

Ladies and gentleman, I introduce


No bite from a radio active spider, no nuclear exposure, not even a vampire bite.

It happened so slowly, it began with one innocent trip to the bridal show. Then 8 copies of bridal magazines. Three bridal shops, 3 fittings. Then there was the 4 hours spent shopping for the perrrfect font to use on the invitations. 6 possible stamps – noooo we couldn’t use the FREAKING FOREVER stamp!

A melt down with the DJ contract….. and before I knew it…. I had become a monster!!!!

Here is hoping we all survive the next 4 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Lisa ... You are hilarious!!! I love you guys! :) LOL
